Behavioral health any way you like
Key Takeaways
Issues related to employees mental health have contributed to $44 billion in U.S. losses.
Access to behavioral health coaching is available within seconds.
Employees often don’t know how to get mental health care – Blue Shield makes it easy to understand and access care options.
Employees avoid getting help for all kinds of reasons. That’s why behavioral health services are available to your workforce any way they like at Blue Shield: online, in-person, wellness programs, therapy, and more. We make it easy, convenient, with tools that can be accessed privately at no cost to your employees.
View this video to see the many behavioral health solutions available for your business.
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Behavioral health services any way you like. A healthy work environment with happy employees fosters engagement, productivity, creativity and a better bottom line for your business.
Yet, far too often, mental health issues go unaddressed. Both employees and businesses are negatively affected when this happens. For the past decade, the issue has grown significantly. A struggling employee may avoid getting care for all kinds of reasons. They may feel embarrassed, worry how their employer will perceive them, or be uncertain how to address mental health issues.
That's why Blue Shield of California's healthcare plans provide a variety of mental health treatment options. Credible Mind is a hub where employees can immediately connect to self-care tools and view mental health options. These tools can be accessed privately whenever it's convenient and at no cost to your employees.
Like Wellvolution, which includes meditation and mindfulness resources like Headspace to lower stress, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. Access to behavioral health coaching with Ginger is available within seconds.
For employees who prefer more traditional care, covered behavioral health options are also available. Want your healthcare plan to empower the well-being of your company? Reach out today. Visit